Senior Portrait Scholarships

You’ve worked for this. Life gets in the way. Let’s make it happen.

No matter how much a family plans and budgets, Senior Year is expensive. Lots of things come up in the final year of high school that just weren’t part of the equation in earlier grades: proms, driving, maybe application fees, test fees, more and more things going on at school that are increasingly pay-to-play…

Oh yeah - and Senior Portraits.

In times like we’re facing, maybe there’s just not room in the budget for something like the portraits you’ve envisioned for years. As special as these photographs can be, sometimes they’re viewed as a luxury a family has to do without. We get that, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

A Senior Portrait Scholarship can help. If you find that circumstances are keeping you from getting the Senior Portraits you’d like to have, please contact us using the link below and let’s have a conversation. There’s no fine print, no bait and switch, no fast talking. Following your session, you will receive five high-resolution digital images to have printed on your own or through the professional lab we use. That’s it. We want to work with you to make this happen so you don’t miss out.

Or, if someone you know is stretched too thin to include their child’s Senior Portraits in their plan, same thing - have them contact us.

The application is completely confidential and there will be no indication of which seniors have received a scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be treated the same as all our other seniors.

I know… this probably isn’t the best business plan ever devised, but we’re trusting that this can be a blessing to some deserving seniors and their families in the challenging days we’re in.

Click this link to get things started.

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.